
Men’s Small Group Lunch

Bethlehem Lutheran Church Twin Cities - MPLS Campus 4100 Lyndale Avenue, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Calling all Bethlehem men: You're invited to join us for our next BLCTC Men's Small Group event, a lunch gathering at 11:45 a.m. on the 3rd Thursday of each month at the Minneapolis campus. This is a monthly group who gathers to create relationships, discussing life's blessings and challenges, and growing in faith. Topics will be relevant for men, in particular for husbands and fathers. To get connected with the group, please email [email protected].

Bethlehem Music Series: Hymn Festival with David Cherwien and Bethlehem Chorale

Bethlehem Lutheran Church Twin Cities - MPLS Campus 4100 Lyndale Avenue, Minneapolis, MN, United States

As a renowned church organist, conductor, and composer, David Cherwien brings creativity to hymns of various traditions and styles. He has won national acclaim as a leader of congregational song with hymn festivals that transport us to an encounter with the sublime. Join the choir of voices as we sing some of the church’s beloved hymnody.