Youth Ministry (6th-12th Grade)
Come for the friends, stay for the fun, eat a little food, and take your faith on the run!
Sunday Mornings Confirmation Music Events
Middle school and high school is a time of joyful, messy, brave identity formation. We engage with students through weekly hangouts, community service, and loads of fun activities. We love being silly together, especially at special events such as our lock-ins, retreats, and summer trips. We often explore big life questions through a no-pressure and judgment-free atmosphere, and reflect together on what it means to truly love and welcome our neighbors as ourselves. We are an LGBTQIA+ and neurodivergent welcoming community. We’d love to have you join us!
Sunday Mornings (Mpls Campus)

Brunch Bunch
6th-8th Grade
10:00-10:30 am
Minneapolis Campus
All 6th-8th graders are invited to connect in between worship services on Sunday mornings. Come join us for a time to connect with friends through prayer, games, intentional discussions, and FUN!
Register Here!
Breakfast Club
9th-12th Grade
10:00 am-10:30 am
Minneapolis Campus
High School Youth Group hosts a breakfast club in between services at our Minneapolis campus. Come for breakfast snacks and a fun and relaxing space to hang out and connect with other high school students!
Register Here!Youth Groups
Middle School Friday Hangouts
6th-8th Grade
Fridays, 6:30-8:30 pm
Minneapolis Campus
All 6th – 8th grade students are invited to spend their Friday evenings at Bethlehem. We’ll have pizza plus a variety of activities, service projects, time together, and maybe a field trip or two. During Friday Hangouts, youth may choose to participate in training sessions preparing them as helpers for the school year ECHO Sunday School.
Register HereHigh School Wednesday Youth Group
9th-12th Grade
Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 pm
Minneapolis Campus
High School Youth Group is a safe and welcoming space for teens in 9th – 12th grade! We gather together on Wednesday nights for student engagement, fun outings, and community service. We often explore faith and love for our neighbors through an open, judgment-free atmosphere where everyone, regardless of what they believe about God, is welcome to participate.
Register HereConfirmation
Minneapolis Campus
6th-10th Grade
Wednesdays, Starting September 18, 6:30 – 7:45 pm
Young people ask good questions. Our role at Bethlehem is to walk beside these young people and to encourage them to ask hard faith questions. In the 2024-2025 school year, confirmation students will jump into “Jesus, who?” Together, we will use the Bible, small groups, and each other to find answers to what Jesus has to do with daily life. Registration is required. Contact Pastor Heather for more information.
Register Here!Minnetonka Campus
Geared towards Middle School
Monthly, Starting September 8, 11:00am – 12:30 pm
Confirmation at the Minnetonka campus meets monthly on the 1st Sunday after worship. A meal is included with each session. Students have a homework assignment in between monthly sessions inspired by the theme for the upcoming topic. This year’s theme is “Practical Theology”. We’ll make connections between our Lutheran theology/spirituality and our daily lives. Registration is required. Contact Pastor Meta for more information.
Register Here
Youth Choir & Handbell Ensemble (MPLS)
Youth Choir (6th-12th Grade) – Wednesdays, 5:30 pm-6:15 pm
Youth Handbell Ensemble (6th-12th Grade) – Wednesdays, 7:45pm-8:15 pm
We invite students in 6th-12th grade to join our youth choir before Wednesday night confirmation. Students are guided in their spiritual development through singing music to the glory of God while learning to be part of a musical ensemble and Christian community. They are encouraged to grow in their faith through the sharing of their voices with each other and the congregation.