Congratulations on your engagement! We are happy that you have decided to celebrate your commitment to each other. We honor the sacred nature of your relationship, and we look forward to helping you plan for this important event.
Since you have chosen to marry in a Christian church, your wedding at Bethlehem will be a worship service with its primary focus on God. The pastors, organist, wedding coordinator and other members of the Bethlehem community will assist you in the preparation of your wedding service.
We look forward to connecting with you in person! See below for more information on member and non-member weddings at Bethlehem.

Pre-Marital Retreat
The retreat leader is Chaplain Rev. Nancy Carlson, ELCA Pastor, Board Certified Chaplain.
The retreat will include tips for a successful marriage, along with time to do a genogram and discuss finances. You’ll learn how to communicate better using Love Languages and discover how you each view the world using the tool of the Enneagram. You’ll have time both to talk as a couple and with other couples during the day. Lunch will be on your own–off Zoom. We’ll close with a blessing for your marriage. Cost is $125. You must pre-register at least 3 weeks ahead. A Zoom link will be sent out one week prior to retreat date.
APRIL 5, 2025 RETREATWeddings at Bethlehem Twin Cities
The church is available for weddings between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm on Saturdays, with 4:00 pm being the latest time to begin a wedding ceremony. A typical ceremony is 30 minutes in length. Rehearsals are usually held at 6:00 pm the evening prior to the wedding and typically last 1 hour. Friday evening weddings are also possible, with the latest starting time being 6:00 pm. Bethlehem is not available for Sunday weddings. Please contact Chris Haugen, Worship & Life Events Coordinator, 612.312.3418, to determine if your wedding date is available at either our Minneapolis or Minnetonka location.
The current fees cover the cost of providing quality services to support you as you plan for your marriage and the wedding day itself. They include a wedding coordinator, building use fee, pastor, organist and/or pianist, sound technician, custodian, administrative fees, and participation in our Premarital Process (which includes a combination of online classes, workshops, and the completion of the Prepare/Enrich premarital inventory). Total fees are $1,330.00. A deposit of $530.00 is required to officially reserve your day on Bethlehem’s wedding calendar; $240.00 of this deposit is non-refundable once classes have been taken.
All Bethlehem wedding couples are required to go through our Premarital Process. This process includes several online courses and workshops, and a Prepare/Enrich Assessment followed by a review with your Bethlehem pastor and at least one mentor call.