Into your hands, O merciful Savior, we commend your servant

Please know that the Bethlehem community mourns with you during this difficult time. We pray that you will be comforted by the memory of your loved one, and strengthened by the hope and promise of the resurrection for the days ahead.
Bethlehem will assist you during this time to plan a memorial service for your loved one. Pastors will work with you to develop the order of service. Our organists will assist in song/hymn selection and finding special musicians if you wish. Our funeral coordinator will guide you through every step both prior to and during the day of the funeral.
All memorial services at the Minneapolis campus are live-streamed. Our onsite sound tech will work with you to assure that the service properly reflects the life of your loved one. Our livestream link is Please send this link to family members and friends who will not be able to attend the service. We do not currently have this ability at the Minnetonka campus.
Honorariums do apply to the pastor, organist (and other musicians if applicable) and sound technician.
Please contact the church office (Minneapolis, 612-312-3400; Minnetonka, 952-935-3429) if you have lost a loved one and someone will direct you to the on-call pastor. You may also request to speak to a specific pastor if you wish.