Congregational Care
We are here to walk beside you through life transitions, moments of grief, or any difficult situation you may be experiencing and have many ministries available to meet you where you are in life. We would love to support you.

Prayer Requests
Prayer is an important part of ministry at Bethlehem. If you are hurting or in need of prayer (or know someone who is), please submit a prayer request by emailing [email protected] or calling 612-312-3400.
If you submit a prayer on behalf of someone else, please try to get their permission. Without their permission, the prayer request needs to be vague in order to respect their privacy. Prayer requests remain private to the prayer chain. If you would like to request confidentiality and only direct your request to the pastoral staff, please communicate that in your email or phone call.
Submit Prayer RequestMinistries

Prayer Shawls
Bethlehem’s Prayer Shawl Ministry creates beautiful shawls made by members of BLCTC as a gift of love to the recipient. The shawl is meant to symbolize the love and embrace of God. Each shawl has been lovingly made and prayed over, and those who receive the shawls continue to be held in prayer.
If you know someone who could benefit from a prayer shawl, or if you would like to partner with us and volunteer to make prayer shawls, contact:
Minneapolis Campus – Diane Waarvik, Director Congregational Care (612-312-3375)
Minnetonka Campus – Heidi Peterson, Faith Community Nurse (612-990-0427)