About the Bethlehem Foundation

The Bethlehem Lutheran Church Foundation’s mission is to gather, invest, and disburse financial resources to further the mission and values of Bethlehem Lutheran Church. For more than 60 years, we’ve been enabling members, friends and family of Bethlehem to leave legacy gifts to benefit the church’s programming, mission and outreach to others. From supporting seminarians to responding to hardships caused by COVID-19 in the Twin Cities to creating a community garden that celebrates God’s creation, your gifts truly make a difference in so many lives!

Recent Grants:

Bethlehem Builds Ties to My Very Own Bed

About four years ago, Bethlehem Lutheran Church Twin Cities began a relationship via a foundation grant to My Very Own Bed, which provides new beds to children transitioning to permanent housing.

This year, the Bethlehem Foundation awarded My Very Own Bed a second grant of $10,000 to support its Youth Advisory Board with funds for stipends, food, and transportation. The Youth Advisory Board plays a critical role in MVOB’s youth engagement strategies by creating a formal structure for voices of youth in the organization, youth leadership, and community building.

MVOB shared their excitement on Facebook:
“The support from Bethlehem Lutheran Church Twin Cities just keeps coming! We are grateful for Bethlehem Lutheran Church’s four-year partnership in lifting up youth in many ways.”

Thank you to Bethlehem member Collette MacIver for introducing us to My Very Own Bed and helping start this vital partnership. More than 8,000 children have now received new beds through this fantastic organization.

Learn more about My Very Own Bed

Grants to Support Our Seminarians

We are currently supporting five seminarians, each receiving $2,500 grants in Q4.

  • Ryan Currens is pursuing a Masters of Divinity at United Theological Seminary and Luther Seminary.
  • Anna O’Connor (Rice) is pursuing a Master of Arts in Ministry at Bethel University.
  • Pastor Heather Roth Johnson is pursuing a Doctor of Ministry in Semiotics, Church, and Culture from Portland Seminary
  • Jacob Boettcher is pursuing a Masters of Divinity at Luther Seminary.
  • Andy Pokel is pursuing a Master of Arts in Christian Ministry from Luther Seminary.

The legacy of these grants is a lifetime of service in ministry to the church, whether our own or elsewhere. We are so blessed to be able to help nurture these up-and-coming church leaders, including one who is already a pastor with us!

Minnetonka Library Transformation

The Bethlehem Foundation approved a $14,700 grant in July to transform the Minnetonka campus library into a modern multi-purpose room better able to meet the needs of the broader BLCTC community. This is an adjoining room on the west side of the Fellowship Hall. So what’s planned?

  • The number of books housed in the space will be reduced and recurated.
  • Technology and furnishings will be upgraded so the space can function similar to Langemo Lounge at the Minneapolis campus, including conference tables and chairs, a new TV screen and soundbar, videoconferencing equipment, new carpet, and an Internet boost.

Creating this space for leadership, governance and Bethlehem-wide gatherings at the Minnetonka campus will encourage staff, council, and committees to move back and forth between Minneapolis and Minnetonka. The project is expected to be completed in the coming months.

Once In a Lifetime Experience at ELCA Youth Gathering

Bethany Lutheran Church in Williams, MN, near Lake of the Woods, is transforming lives despite challenges. It serves a community with a rising poverty rate but is making a difference through outreach and faith programs. In the last three years, Bethany has launched new Family Faith Nights, Youth Group, Confirmation, and Sunday School programs.

The Bethlehem Foundation is excited to sponsor 10 young people to attend the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans. This gathering is a powerful experience for faith formation and to realize the nationwide Lutheran community. It promises to be a “Becoming Together” moment for all of them, many of whom haven’t been farther than 200 miles from home.

Supporting Our Scouts

It’s great to see kids experiencing God’s creation outside, and the Bethlehem Foundation did its small part to help early this year by funding new camp stoves for BSA Scout Troop 46, which meets at Bethlehem’s Minneapolis campus.

The old stoves were dysfunctional and environmentally unfriendly with non-recyclable and expensive fuel containers. Thanks to the $1,000 foundation grant, the troop has three new 3-burner stoves. They’re working great already and they use refillable full-size propane tanks. They wish to share that the grant helps them live three parts of the Scout Law: Helpful, Kind, and Reverent!

YAGM Update from Senegal

Late last year, the Bethlehem Foundation provided a grant to Carl Norquist to support his ministry with the ELCA’s Young Adults in Global Mission. He’s currently in Yeumbeul, Senegal, and shared a newsletter with his supporters in December. Here is a short excerpt:

I work in communications for Services Luthériens pour le Développement au Sénégal, a nonprofit which operates in Yeumbeul and Linguere. SLDS runs schools, a health clinic, a farm, and offers vocational and social outreach workshops in the community. My role with SLDS involves managing social media and taking pictures of their events.

On December 7, I was asked to attend a training workshop on violence against women and girls. The women brainstormed ways to talk about violence against women and girls and explored tools to identify and advocate for potential victims. They did this in small groups and roleplayed scenarios.

To be present is what YAGM calls us to do. I felt that when I accompanied the women to lunch and laughed with them afterward. My voice is not the one that matters, but I can help to lift the voices that do.

Applying for Grants

Bethlehem’s grants further the mission and values of Bethlehem Lutheran Church Twin Cities. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we work to connect people with Jesus Christ and His church family, grow them towards Christ-like maturity, equip them to serve in the church, and reach others with God’s love.  Our grants are given for staff development, church capital needs, church projects, financial support of seminary students, and outreach projects to Lutheran and or Twin Cities non-profits.

All applications are due by January 1, April 1, July 1, or October 1 to be included for consideration at the regularly scheduled quarterly meetings.

Learn More

Click HERE to see our most recent newsletter!

Update from the Foundation

In August , we had the opportunity to gather as a community of Bethlehem Foundation supporters – to acknowledge why we support the Foundation with our financial gifts, to celebrate the impact that our grants have had, and to look ahead to where the foundation must go to support the mission of Bethlehem Lutheran Church Twin Cities. It was wonderful to see so many of you there since we last gathered back in 2018.

And how far we’ve come! It took seven years after its founding in 1957 for the Bethlehem Foundation to issue its first grants – six of them to seminarians. Thanks to your continued gifts and prudent investing, we’ve been able to do steadily more. As of June 30, the Bethlehem Foundation is entrusted with almost $5.5 million. These assets are generating income of almost $250,000 each year from which we make our grants. In fact, since 2018, the foundation has granted over a million dollars. We have:

  • Supported nearly 20 seminarians
  • Granted over $400,000 to promote staff development, ministry, and building improvements
  • Granted nearly $350,000 to our many outreach partners in the Twin Cities and around the world.

Pastor Rachel Johnson is a great example of the support that the Bethlehem Foundation provides. We played a video interview at our gathering and you can watch it online here.

Pastor Rachel got connected to Bethlehem by joining a youth mission trip to Mexico and she then began teaching confirmation with us. Ultimately, she made the decision to go to seminary in Philadelphia, and the Bethlehem Foundation supported her with a seminary grant. She was called to the tiny community of Williams, Minn., on the south shore of Lake of the Woods, to be the pastor at Bethany and Mt. Carmel Lutheran Churches.

Then this summer, at her request, we were able to provide a $12,000 grant to enable their youth group to attend the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans. For several, it was their first time on a plane, and for all, it was transformative in seeing that the church isn’t only those that gather at Bethany or Mt. Carmel, but that it’s countless people across the country and around the world, worshipping, connecting, praying together.  And they couldn’t believe the generosity of the members of Bethlehem Lutheran Church Twin Cities.

We are so thankful for all of you. At our event, several of you shared some of the things that inspire your generosity. Youth programs. Music and worship. Community and service. If we haven’t heard from you, we would love to hear from you now. What’s on your mind? Where can we have the most impact? How can we best support Bethlehem’s mission? How can you best be a part of it?

We’d love to hear from you – both your practical questions about legacy giving and your dreams for the Bethlehem Foundation. Reach out to us today and a member of the Foundation board would love to speak with you.

Ways to Give

Planned Giving

Learn about how estate planning tools can financially support not only your loved ones but also the Bethlehem Foundation.

Contact [email protected] for more information.

Stock Gifts

There are two ways to make a donation of stock or securities: through an electronic transfer authorization or physical delivery. To ensure that we can acknowledge your gift for income tax purposes, please notify the Stewardship Office in advance of the transmittal. Click here for a Stock Transfer Form.

Foundation Board Members


Gwenn Branstad, Chair
Aaron Pearson, Chair-Elect
Tina Ham Peterson, Treasurer
Dave Raymond, Secretary
Sandra Anderson
Sara Ausman
Dan Engstrand
Nan Grube
Kelsey Tritabaugh


Andy Kroll, Congregational President
Lisa Johnson, Congregational Past-President
Chris Enstad, Lead Pastor



Brent Anderson
Robert Peterson
Terry Sandven