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Wednesday Night Dinners

About This Event

Wednesdays at the Mpls campus are already filled with music, learning, and fellowship—and they’re getting even better with evening meals from 5:00-6:45 pm! Enjoy a delicious entree, sides, salad bar, and dessert for just $12 (full meal) or $8 (half meal). Registration is encouraged and helps with food ordering, but is not mandatory.


February 26 @ 5:00 pm - 6:45 pm

Event Information:

Wednesday evenings at Bethlehem have always been terrific days in general. There is the musical aspect of Wednesdays with youth and children’s choirs, the bell choirs and the adult choir all rehearsing in the evening. There is the learning side of Wednesdays with confirmation, adult education and Bible studies, and senior high youth group. Wednesdays ARE terrific!

Wednesday, February 26 will have a special Mardi Gras flair. Come for roasted chicken, roasted potatoes, carrots, bread & butter, salad bar with fixin’s and dessert! Mask-making and games included. An evening of intergenerational fun for all.

  •  5:00-6:45 – dinner and mask making
  •  6:30 – Bingo

Large meal is $12.00, Smaller meal is $8.00.

Registration by Monday is encouraged to help with meal planning, but is not mandatory.


 Volunteers are needed. Please contact the new Director of Member Engagement, Burke Hancer with questions or to volunteer at 612-312-3408, or click VOLUNTEER