Wednesday Night Dinner
About This Event
Drop those pots & pans and come join us at church for a terrific Lenten dinner served with a side of community and conversation! Please register in advance so we can best prepare to welcome you.
March 26 @ 5:00 pm - 6:45 pm
Event Information:
Drop those pots & pans and come join us at church for a terrific Lenten dinner served with a side of community and conversation! Each Wednesday from Feb.19 through May 7, dinner will be served in Iverson Hall from 5:00 - 6:45 PM. A generous salad bar with fixings, beverage & dessert are always included. Cost is $12.00 for a large portion, $8.00 for a smaller portion, maximum family cost $36.00. EVERYONE is welcome!
VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED! Please contact the new Director of Member Engagement, Burke Hancer with questions or to volunteer at 612-312-3408, or click VOLUNTEER
Registering online is encouraged & helps food ordering, but is not required.
3/26 - White Bean Chicken Chili & Gooey Grilled Cheese Sandwich
4/2 - Broccoli & Cheddar Soup & Chicken Salad Sandwich
4/9 - Loaded Potato & Leek Soup & Turkey & Cheese Sandwich
4/17 Maundy THURSDAY - French Onion & Grilled Ham & Cheese
*All meals include a salad bar, dessert & beverage!