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Take Time for Mental Health: Better Together

About This Event

Loneliness and isolation are a threat to our overall health of mind, body and spirit. Join us as we review the Surgeon General’s Advisory on Loneliness. The current impact of loneliness will be discussed along with the identified strategies and steps that we can each take to strengthen our relationships and connection to others. Meetings begin at 6:00 pm with a light supper provided. 6:30 pm program begins and ends at 8:00 pm. This event is free to attend, a free-will offering will be accepted for supper. Please register in advance.


February 18 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Event Information:

Hosted by collaborating congregations Bethlehem Lutheran Church Twin Cities and St. Joan of Arc Catholic Community, Take Time for Mental Health is a monthly series that aims to increase awareness and reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Meetings begin at 6:00 pm with a light supper provided. 6:30 pm program begins and ends at 8:00 pm. This event is free to attend, a free-will offering will be accepted for supper. Please register in advance.

Better Together: A Review of the Surgeon General’s Advisory on the Epidemic of Loneliness and the Health Benefits of Community Connection

Tuesday, Feb. 18, 6:00-8:00 pm
at Bethlehem Lutheran Church Twin Cities - Minneapolis campus

Loneliness and isolation are a threat to our overall health of mind, body and spirit. Join us as we review the Surgeon General’s Advisory on Loneliness. The current impact of loneliness will be discussed along with the identified strategies and steps that we can each take to strengthen our relationships and connection to others.

  1.  The impact of loneliness on mind, body and spirit of individuals and population health.
  2. The health benefits of community connection and steps we can take to enhance connection for self and others.
  3. The role and opportunities of faith communities on impacting loneliness and a call to action.
  4. The “yes…and”actions that you can take to create a more connected community and word.

Together we can create ripples of connection which can impact the health and well-being of self, others and community. It starts with you...TODAY!