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Sidewalk Sunday School


About This Event

Sidewalk Sunday School is a great way to gather outside and safely during the Pandemic for the last 6 Sundays of the Sunday School year.


Both Campuses


April 25, 2021 @ 11:30 am - 12:15 pm


4 years - 4th grade

Event Information:

Sidewalk Sunday School is a great way to gather outside and safely during the Pandemic for the last 6 Sundays of the Sunday School year. 

Sidewalk Sunday School is for the whole family - join us at both the Minneapolis and Minnetonka campuses! (Kids must have someone over 18 with them.) Families move together to interact with the rotation or sometimes the rotation will come to you! Rotations will include service, science, and possibly a puppet show! 

Each Sunday is a separate registration.

Don’t forget masks and social distancing are required. To keep an accurate count of participants please register all family members that will be attending. 

If your family members do not appear on the right, please log into (or create) your Realm account. To create or update your account click here.

Any questions? Just ask Pastor Heather.