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SALT: Coffee with Katie Langston

Education Minneapolis

About This Event

What is the path from being a Mormon to being an ELCA pastor? Pastor Katie Langston, who has followed this path, will share her story with SALT (Seniors Active in Life Together). Join us! Refreshments will be served.


March 9, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Senior Adult

Event Information:

Many of us were disappointed that we did not get to hear Pastor Katie Langston when she was scheduled to speak to us at Luther Seminary because of the COVID lockdown and restrictions.  On March 9 from 10:00 am - 12:00 PM, we will get a chance to meet with her!

Katie is a former Mormon who, in her personal faith search, began to realize that the Mormon faith had no room for grace.  She began to look for it elsewhere and found it in the Lutheran church.  Katie will speak to us about her doubts, her struggles, and her growth to new understandings.  She is now an ordained minister in the ELCA serving New Promise Lutheran Church in St. George, Utah, and working as the Director of Digital Strategy for Luther Seminary’s Innovation Department. Coffee and muffins will be served. A free-will offering will be taken to defray costs.  

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