Premarital Retreat
About This Event
This retreat will include tips for a successful marriage, along with time to do a genogram and discuss finances. You’ll learn how to communicate better using Love Languages and discover how you each view the world using the tool of the Enneagram. You’ll have time both to talk as a couple and with other couples during the day.
April 5 @ 8:30 am - 2:30 pm
Event Information:
This retreat is being held via Zoom on April 5, 8:30 am - 2:30 pm, and is facilitated by Chaplain Rev. Nancy Carlson, ELCA Pastor, Board Certified Chaplain.
The retreat will include tips for a successful marriage, along with time to do a genogram and discuss finances. You’ll learn how to communicate better using Love Languages and discover how you each view the world using the tool of the Enneagram. You’ll have time both to talk as a couple and with other couples during the day. Lunch will be on your own–off Zoom. We’ll close with a blessing for your marriage.
Cost is $125. You must pre-register at least 3 weeks ahead. A Zoom link will be sent out one week prior to the retreat date.