
“Gather” Women’s Bible Study

Minneapolis Campus 4100 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis, MN

A monthly Bible study for women using the Women of the ELCA’s ‘Gather’ Magazine. This fall’s focus is, “Receiving Grace: A Study of Ephesians.” Led by Pastor Kris. Subscribe to the magazine, and register on Realm.


“Gather” Women’s Bible Study

Minneapolis Campus 4100 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis, MN

A monthly Bible study for women using the Women of the ELCA’s ‘Gather’ Magazine. This fall’s focus is, “Receiving Grace: A Study of Ephesians.” Led by Pastor Kris. Subscribe to the magazine, and register on Realm.


“Gather” Women’s Bible Study

Minneapolis Campus 4100 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis, MN

A monthly Bible study for women using the Women of the ELCA’s ‘Gather’ Magazine. This fall’s focus is, “Receiving Grace: A Study of Ephesians.” Led by Pastor Kris. Subscribe to the magazine, and register on Realm.