WDOS' Donation Drop Off
About This Event
It’s a baby shower, in Jesus’ name! This Advent, we’re collecting items for Newborn Kits to provide needed items for moms in low-resource countries like Madagascar and Tanzania.
January 6, 2021 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Event Information:
We've been collecting gifts for a baby shower, in Jesus' name! You're invited to bring your donations to Bethlehem's Mpls campus on Wednesday, January 6 - we'll host a drop-off site from 10 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. in celebration of Epiphany when we remember the wise men who brought gifts to celebrate Jesus' birth.
Women's Day of Service is February 6th, and we encourage you to continue to collect items for Newborn Kits (see below) - they are needed! COVID-19 has continued to shape how we're able to gather as a community - watch for more information in January about this year's WDOS.
Newborn Kits
- 1 regular-size bath towel (approx. 52” long)
- 1 regular washcloth (please not microfiber)
- 1 bath-size bar white Ivory soap In original packaging
- 1 baby receiving blanket
- 1 newborn stocking cap Small, babies heads are approx. 14” around
- 1 newborn cotton t-shirt or onesie Size 0-3 or newborn
- 2 cloth diapers (Gerber Pre-Fold are great, or see back of card for t-shirt diaper info)
- 2 diaper pins
- 1 pillowcase (to wrap everything up in)
Gently-used items are welcome, as are financial gifts!
Check out our online registries:
Target: tgt.gifts/BethlehemLutheranTwinCities
Amazon: amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2NBOHRHG9IVO8?type=wishlist
Cloth Diapers for Newborn Kits
Cloth diapers can be made out of recycled men’s t-shirts. T-shirts should be white or light-colored (writing on the shirt is fine), and at least 50% cotton so they’re absorbent. Donate your old t-shirts and we’ll turn them into diapers!
As t-shirts are donated, we make up packets of six cut and pinned t-shirts, ready for sewing. Contact Ann to pick up or drop off at her house.
Hosted by Bethlehem women for the last dozen years, Bethlehem’s Day of Service is an annual February event where we gather as a community, connecting with each other as we share the joy of serving. Like so many things, it will look a little different this year. But we still have the opportunity to help welcome some babies into the world! This year’s Day of Service is February 6, 2021. Watch for more information as plans for that day continue to take shape.
Contact Ann Senne or Kim Dickey with any questions.