Current Job Openings

Coordinator of Family Ministry – Minnetonka Campus

Classification: Non-exempt, Part-time

Hours worked: 10-20 hours per week, fluctuates seasonally. 3 Sundays per month required.

Reports to: Minnetonka Campus Pastor

Direct reports/Supervises: Volunteers

Coordinates with: CYF ministry team, Minnetonka staff, Communications Team, lay leaders and church members.

Objective: Cultivating a safe and loving environment and welcome experience for children and families to experience, grow in faith, and make connections at Bethlehem’s Minnetonka campus.

Competitive wage: $18-20 per hour range DOQ


Encore Sundays (Second and Fourth Sundays)

  • Write and lead “Storytime” portion of worship, inviting connections to scripture.
  • Encore Sunday school following the service. (September-May)
    • Prepare and plan for a 30-minute Sunday school experience (PreK-5th Grade)
    • Equip parents and/or volunteer leaders to support the experience.

Mobile Sunday (One Sunday per Month)

  • Attends worship a third Sunday each month.
    • Relationship building, connecting with volunteers, being visible.
    • Opportunity for liturgical leadership.

Celebrating Milestones

  • Prepare children and families for milestones in faith and daily life.
    • Traditional rites include baptism and first communion.
    • Celebrate back to school or rituals for “firsts”.


Summer Nights VBS

  • Family style VBS (four weekday evenings over two weeks).
  • Centered around a meal with intergenerational activities and storytelling on a theme.

Administration and Communication

  • Monthly with supervisor
  • CYF Team meets 2x per month (participating as needed)
  • Minnetonka Campus Team meets 2x per month (participating as needed)
  • Monthly email blast to Minnetonka families

Opportunities for Collaboration

  • The staff musicians design special choral and handbell events to invite the participation of children and families.
  • The parish nurse thinks holistically about care ministry and curates’ intergenerational opportunities for congregational care and mental health education.
  • The campus administrator encourages a culture of hospitality and streamlines communication in ways that make this work fun and easy.
  • The coordinator is part of Bethlehem’s broader CYF team, which means there are resources and relationships to support this work at both campuses.
  • Faith in the Triune God and a commitment to the ministry at Bethlehem
  • Ability to work both collaboratively and independently
  • Dependable presence, timely communication
  • Delight for children and their families
  • Experience empowering volunteers
  • Experience working with young people
  • Strong interpersonal communication and writing skills
  • Strong tech skills, specifically with Google Suite and Zoom
  • Bachelor’s Degree

Interested applicants should submit a resume and cover letter to: [email protected] Attention to Ryan Currens, Director of Business Ministry. Position open currently with ongoing interviews as qualified applicants are received. Position open until filled, contingent upon passing a background check.