Blessing of the Animals
About This Event
Celebrate our love for all of God’s creatures and remember our call to help God care for all of creation. Blessing of animals opportunities available at both campuses.
October 6, 2024 @ 9:30 am - 3:00 pm
Event Information:
Minnetonka campus
Pet-friendly Worship - 9:30 am
Worship will be pet-friendly on Sunday, Oct 6 at the Minnetonka campus. Pets that can be leashed or caged are welcome in worship. (If it’s easier to bring a photograph or a favorite toy instead, please do.) The liturgy will include a blessing for pets, and a take-home version of the blessing will be available, too. This is a good opportunity to celebrate our love for all of God’s creatures and to remember our call to help God care for all of creation.
Minneapolis campus (West Lawn)
Pet Blessing - 2:00 pm
God loves creation, and God called it good, so bring your dogs, cats, birds, hamsters, gerbils, chinchillas, guinea pigs, fish, snakes and/ or lizards to join Pastors Heather and Kris on the west lawn for a pet blessing. Please keep pets kenneled or on a short leash. Treats provided.